Saturday, May 22, 2010

The First Blooming

hmm, Kasvena is sooo totally biting my heads off for not updating! OMFG! help! >< jk..XD

Anyway, let's talk bout this week. It's our first useless exam week, we had retarded BM on tuesday, then we have awesome BI in Wednesday, then we had useless Maths on Thursday, then we have our oh-so-lovable History (sarcasm inserted) on Friday which was yesterday. Yucks.

We had leaks all over, FLOOD! XD lame. Leaked question, all subject except Maths!

What pissed me off was, Pn.Sujatha! ugh that..that old hag!!

She found out EVERYONE was not sitting according to place, and then we she asked us to friggin change to our original places, ALL of us were reluctant, actually i'm fine with it, but heck i can feel my classmate's groaning n moaning in agony sound...haha!

Then since almost everyone were not in their places the second time she came in,

She was fumming, and then for no reason, she kept shooting at me! AS IF I COPY ANYTHING FROM CHRISTINE?!! (I was sitting beside the back door, then Christine was beside me on my left hand side.) HELLO WHY SHOULD I WANNA COPY CHRISTINE'S ENGLISH PAPER?! hmm..Maybe she thought that Christine was copying mine..but then again, Christine's english essay title is SOOO different from mine! She wrote the title 'Money' and i wrote the Creative writing!! @_@ hey old hag! try fucking compare our paperS! maybe you could get some clue whether we really fucking copy each other or not lar! BITCH!

And then, you know what she said?
she said "If you dont go back to your own place, you're counted as copying!" Err hag much? hello!~ can you hear me? WE HAD DIFFERENT TITLES IN ESSAY YOU BITCHING HAG! ugh

Then she had to have Nikly to prove it, so she asked Nikly to go to bilik hem and meet her.
And here's what i've heard from Nikly.
Pn.S : Did those two copy?
N : Nope, they didnt.
Pn.S : But they were sitting together and refuse to change back to their own places, I dont care, they are copying. (cant accept the fact that we didnt copy. =.= noob!)
N : I also don't care, they didnt copy!

Then he walked away..hahaha! when he told me that, i was bursting in laughter! I would give anything to see her expression baby! XD
HAHAHA! Even Christine was LMAO-ing when she heard it from Nikly.

Well, not much things to write about aside from that,

Umm..And to Nazrin, I love your blog! but dont spoil it with lame daily stuff please?? <3 Love ya!
and Kasvena I totally dig your blog!!! <3<3 many hot guy's pic too! aside from the Korean guys! Pheeewittt!! <3<3 Love ya more than Choo! XDXD

and sry if this is short! <3

Hmm, gtg, i'm rushing! BYE -xoxo-

-People who are frightening honest, always are hated by some-

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